Projects in BIOANT2023-04-11T15:46:04+00:00

Projects in BIOANT laboratories

The Wenner-Gren Foundation approved the financing of the project

The Wenner-Gren Foundation approved the financing of the project “Heavy metal: Rural and urban lead exposure during the Roman Empire“, led by dr. Mario Novak. The one-year project was financed as part of the Post PhD Research Grant competition. The main goal of the project is to investigate the role and consequences of lead poisoning in rural and urban communities from the area of ​​the Roman province of Dalmatia. Collaborators on the project are also employees of the Institute for Anthropological research, dr. Miran Čoklo and dr. Mario Carić and Prof. Anna Osterholtz, Mississippi State University, USA.

Start of the EDIAQI project

The Horizon Europe project “Evidence Driven Indoor Air Quality Improvement (EDIAQI)” was launched in December 2022. The goal of the project is to characterize sources and routes of exposure and dispersion of chemical, biological, and emerging indoor air pollution in multiple cities in the EU. The group at the Institute for Anthropological Research is led by Jelena Šarac, Ph.D., and other group members are Dubravka Havaš Auguštin, Ph.D., Eva Anđela Delale, Ph.D., and Iva Šunić, M.Sc. The project activities of the Institute will include the collection of household dust in the homes of asthmatic children, metagenomic analysis of the microbiome from house dust, and the creation and implementation of a questionnaire on citizens’ awareness of indoor air quality and its impact on health. More details about the project here.

EDIAQI Press Release_Kick Off

New participation in European cooperation in science and technology

Institut for anthropological research participates in two more actions of European cooperation in science and technology:

Individualized Approach in the Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes Onset and Development (IRI)

Individualized approach in the prediction of type 2 diabetes onset and development (IRI) (KK.

New project is funded by European Fund for Regional Development (KK. in period from 17. 08. 2020 till 17. 08. 2023.

Our associates are Medilab ONE and Genos. Associates from Institute for Anthropological Research are Saša Missoni, PhD, Vedrana Škaro, PhD, and Petar Projić, PhD.

The project is an industrial research aimed at developing an individualized screening service for high-risk patients, based on the plasma glycome. The final product will be a developed test with identified molecular structures that suggest the development of type 2 diabetes in patients with no signs of the disease. This product will predict the time period in which diabetes will develop from a pre-diabetes stage, and will include recommendations of “lifestyle habits” that permanently or temporarily delay the disease onset and development (dietary habits – preferably based on menus developed individually according to the metabolic characteristics of high-risk patients and physical activity/exercise). Through this project, glycan and protein biomarkers for the development of type 2 diabetes and the impact of lifestyle habits on the prolongation of the period in which the disease occurs will be investigated.

Institute of Anthropology research partner COVID-19, new project Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (unCoVer)

The pandemic has spurred much research into the new disease. Thus, the Institute has been involved in various ways in research and as an aid to other institutions in the form of lending devices and collaboration of scientists.

One of the research will be a project Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (unCoVer) gained through H2020-SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2-RTD.

Project duration 15th november 2020 – 14th november 2022.

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INANTRO in two new projects funded by Austrian Science Foundation

Tracing the Slavic origins of Croatians using ancient genomes and Reconstruction of genetic diversity and migratory patterns of late Avar population using ancient DNA analysis are both funded by Austrian Academy of Science, JESH programme.

Duration of them is from 2021 to 2022.

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COST Action Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present – iNEAL granted

On October 15th and 16th 2020, the first Management Committee meeting of the COST Action Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present – iNEAL (no. 19141) was held. These dates also marked an official start of the project, which will be implemented during 4 years. The main proposer and chair of the Action is Prof. Ivor Janković, PhD, from the Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia. Current number of countries involved is 25. One of the main principles of COST Actions is openness, so it is envisaged that more countries will be involved during the course of the Action. This is sixth COST Action that is granted and lead by a Croatian researcher.

During the four years, numerous work meetings will be organized, as well as Working Group meetings, training schools and short-term scientific missions which will especially address young researchers. Besides the establishment of the database about Neandertals from three aspects (fossil, cultural and molecular), special attention will be given to dissemination and presentation of Neandertal legacy in public.

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