The Laboratory is specialized in the implementation of various types of bioarchaeological analyses, including taxonomic and phylogenetic, and various evolutionary aspects, as well as the preparation of human bone material for various types of analyses (e.g. sampling for ancient DNA analysis etc.). The preparation involves the cleaning, drying and inventorying of bone samples from the archaeological context, while standard analysis includes the determination of taphonomic characteristics, sex and age at the time of death, minimum number of individuals in case of mass burials, paleopathological and dental analyses, determination of metric and non-metric characteristics and height reconstruction. Also, the Laboratory will take samples to be sent abroad for further analyses (C14, aDNA). The Laboratory for Evolutionary Anthropology and Bioarchaeology will collaborate with the Laboratory for Chemical Analytics, in particular on the analyses of stable isotopes (carbon, nitrogen) for the purpose of reconstruction of diet of various archaeological populations.

The most important equipment of the laboratory:

  • Shining 3D EinScan PRO 2X – handheld 3D scanner
    • The 3D scanner provides scanning options for any sort of material–be it organic or inorganic–with modifiable resolution and in several modes; from the stationary version with a turntable and additional markers for a more precise scanning to a handheld, field version for quick and efficient scanning of materials unavailable for transport. In addition, the software enables further processing of the 3D models for various purposes.
  • Atum 3D DLP Station V2 Desktop
    • Atum 3D connects superior Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology to cost-effective, high quality manufacturing capabilities. With proprietary hardware, intelligent software, and an open resin platform, the printer offers an extensive variability during replication of otherwise unobtainable or unique artefacts or samples.
  • Suction hood ASE.090.090.060
    • A type of local ventilation device designed to limit exposure to hazardous or toxic fumes, vapors or dusts with modifiable levels of operating strength.
  • Liofilizator Labtech HyperCOOL -55 °C
    • As a contrast to conventional dehydration which uses water evaporation methods through heat, lyophilization is a low temperature dehydration process that involves freezing the product, lowering pressure, and removing the ice by sublimation. Because of the low temperature used in processing, the quality of the rehydrated product is excellent, and the original shape of the product is maintained. Primary applications of lyophilization are in biological, biomedical and preservation-oriented fields of science.
  • Precise scale ALN-120
    • A class of balance designed to measure small mass in the milligram range. The measuring pan (0.1 mg resolution) is located inside the draft shield which prevents dust collecting and limit the flow of air current. During measurement, the sample must be at room temperature to prevent natural convection from forming air currents inside the enclosure, thus causing an error in reading.

Head of Laboratory for Evolutionary Anthropology and Bioarchaeology: Mario Novak, PhD

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