Contact:, +38515535121

PhD Education:

2006-2013 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science; PhD in biology, Thesis Title: The role of polymorphisms in candidate genes for cardiovascular diseases in longevity: anthropological approach (supervisor Prof. Tatjana Škarić-Jurić, MD, PhD)

Undergraduate Education:

2005 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science (Zagreb, Croatia); B.Sc in Molecular Biology; Thesis Title: Cytogenetic stability of broad bean, Vicia faba L., permanent transgenic cultures

Academic Appointments:

2006 -… Institute for Anthropological Research (Zagreb, Croatia); Research Fellow

Scientific and Professional Work:


Practical course “Creating Project Proposal“ (Zagreb, Croatia, 2011)
Practical course “Writing effectively about your research“ (Zagreb, Croatia 2010)
Practical course «Introduction to Bioinformatics» (Zagreb, Croatia, 2007)
“Intensive Course in Biological Anthropology˝ (Prague, Czech Republic, 2007)
«Analysis of molecular diversity» (Zagreb, Croatia, 2007.)
«Anthropology and Health: Anthropological perspectives on woman and the obesity pandemic: causes, costs and controls (Hvar, Croatia, 2006)


European Human Genetics Conference 2011 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
International Congress on Controversies in Longevity, Health and Aging – CoLONGY2010 (Barcelona, Spain)
European Human Genetics Conference 2010 (Gothenberg, Sweden)
European Human Genetics Conference 2009 (Vienna, Austria)
16th Congress of the European Anthropological Association (Odense, Denmark, 2008)
European Human Genetics Conference 2008 (Barcelona, Spain)
The Fourth Croatian Congress in Human Genetics with international participation (Malinska, Croatia, 2007)
15th Congress of the European Anthropological Association (Budapest, Hungary, 2006)

Research Interests: candidate genes for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), impact of environment factors on CVD, hypertension, longevity, obesity, secular trend

List of publications – link

Teaching Experience:

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb – undergraduate programme assisting at courses:

«Human auxology» – main lecturer Nina Smolej Narančić, PhD
«Introduction to Population Genetics» – main lecturer Tatjana Škarić-Jurić, PhD
«Human – environment interaction» – main lecturer Jasna Miličić, PhD

Funding and scholarships:

Junior Research Fellowship at project “Complex traits variation and health in children, adults and centenarians” (196-1962766-2747 Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia), project leader Nina Smolej Narančić, PhD, Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia 2006 – …
Scholarship of the University of Zagreb to the best undergraduate students academic year 2001/2002
Scholarship of the European Anthropological Association 2007 (partial funding of participation at “Intensive Course in Biological Anthropology˝ in Prague)
European Society for Human Genetics «National Fellowship» for participation at European Human Genetics Conference 2010 (Gothenberg, Sweden)

Memberships in Professional Organizations and Associations:

Hrvatsko antropološko društvo (Croatian Anthropological Society)
Hrvatsko društvo za humanu genetiku (Croatian Society of Human Genetics)
European Society of Human Genetics
European Anthropological Association