Short description

Associate professor Mislav Stjepan Žebec, made his PhD in the field of psychology (thesis: Age-related changes of human processing system and their role in cognitive development) at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb. In his 25 years of professional experience he worked as a researcher on Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, as a teacher at Faculty of Croatian Studies University of Zagreb and shortly in research departments of Rimac Technology and National Center for External Evaluation of Education (Croatia). Because of his additional physics education on Faculty of Science of University of Zagreb (he absolved physics study in 1999.) he is strongly oriented to quantitative methodology and interdisciplinary collaboration.


(1) cognitive psychology (with its application in intellectual development, education and human factors), (2) social sciences research methodology and (3) statistics

Research interests:

(1) intellectual development with relation to personality and motivation, (2) application of cognitive psychology in education and human factors, (3) construction of psychological instruments (especially for executive functions and problem solving), (4) application social sciences methodology and statistics in interdisciplinary research of a human as a complex dynamic system.